# TJTS5901 Course app
This project will be ficusing on creating application that is supose to serve for auctionaing items. What we plan to inculde as it's features:
- User can register, login
- User can bid on items, and be notified once the auction is finished
- multilocalization
- restAPI for to use for more advance users
Keep in mind that everything we do is a school project and this application will never be depolyed to the general public.
## TJTS5901 Course Template Project
Project template for 2023 TJTS5901 Continuous Software Engineering -course.
- Sisu: <>
- Moodle: <>
To get started with the project, see [``](./
Application address/deployment url :
Repository provides an `docker-compose` file to start the app. Edit `docker-compose.yml` to uncomment the ports, and run:
docker-compose up --build tjts5901
App can be also started from `Dockerfile`, with flask debug turned on, and current folder in editable mode. It has the benefit of automatically reflecting code changes in the app.
docker build -t tjts5901 .
docker run -it -p 5001:5001 -e "FLASK_DEBUG=1" -v "${PWD}:/app" tjts5901
Please see the `docs/tjts5901` folder for more complete documentation.
To report bugs and security issues, please use [the project "issues" form](
**Endpoints** and **other usfull things** that you can use to interact with our restAPI:
1. Register yourself using (\<your mail>&password=\<password you want>), omit the \<>
2. Login using GET (\<your mail>&password=\<your password>) or you can use POST with JSON.
3. You will recive a JWT token that is valid for 2 hours, keep it confidential!
4. For every request from now on don't forget to use your token in token bearer! If you want to try the API, but you don't want to do any fancy url writing use [this app](
5. Request all the items using [this link](
6. Bid on items using [this address](, don't forget to send a payload of type JSON structured in this way: {"item_id" : "item id you want to bid on", "bid_price" : amount_you_want_to_bid}