@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ To report bugs and security issues, please use [the project "issues" form](https
**Endpoints** and **other usfull things** that you can use to interact with our restAPI:
1. Register yourself using (https://team13-webapp.azurewebsites.net/register?email=\<your mail>&password=\<password you want>), omit the \<>
2. Login using (https://team13-webapp.azurewebsites.net/login?email=\<your mail>&password=\<your password>)
2. Login using GET (https://team13-webapp.azurewebsites.net/login?email=\<your mail>&password=\<your password>) or you can use POST with JSON.
3. You will recive a JWT token that is valid for 2 hours, keep it confidential!
4. For every request from now on don't forget to use your token in token bearer! If you want to try the API, but you don't want to do any fancy url writing use [this app](https://reqbin.com/)
5. Request all the items using [this link](https://team13-webapp.azurewebsites.net/auction_items/)
5. Request all the items using [this link](https://team13-webapp.azurewebsites.net/auction_item/)
6. Bid on items using [this address](https://team13-webapp.azurewebsites.net/bid), don't forget to send a payload of type JSON structured in this way: {"item_id" : "item id you want to bid on", "bid_price" : amount_you_want_to_bid}