Teemu Autto authoredTeemu Autto authored
dotenv 1.73 KiB
# The .env file is used to store environment variables, which are values that can be
# used by multiple applications or processes. They are typically used to store configuration
# information, such as database passwords or API keys, that need to be kept secret and out of
# version control.
# Using a .env file allows you to store these sensitive values in a separate file that can
# be excluded from version control (see .gitignore) and easily shared with other developers or
# deployments. When the application or process is run, the .env file is loaded and the values
# stored in it are made available to the application as environment variables.
# This is a useful way to manage configuration information, as it allows you to easily switch
# between different configurations (e.g., development, staging, production) by simply changing
# the values in the .env file. It also makes it easy to share configurations with other
# developers or deployments, as you can simply share the .env file rather than hardcoding the
# values into the application itself.
# Enable rich logging for more human readable log output. Requires installing
# `rich` and `flask-rich` packages.
# Mongodb connection string
# Sentry logging. Fetch the DSN ingest key: <https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/python/guides/flask/>
# Setup sentry environment to separate development issues from production. This variable name is
# maybe set by gitlab pipeline. <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/environments/>
# Setup CI environment url to point on localhost for testing purposes.