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  • jyucmt/usadelndsoc
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Solver for Usadel equations in 2D with SOC gauge fields.
Uses a [discretization with local gauge invariance](doc/
Uses a [discretization with local gauge invariance](doc/discretization.rst).
## Requirements
......@@ -16,9 +16,19 @@ Assuming prerequisites are installed:
`python3 -m pip install .`
See also
## Documentation
Built during installation. Can be found in the installed package
directory, or opened with:
`python3 -c 'import usadelndsoc;'`
## Bibliography
P. Virtanen, "Numerical saddle point finding for diffusive superconductor actions", (2024).
## Acknowledgments
This work was supported by European Union's HORIZON-RIA programme (Grant
Agreement No.~101135240 JOGATE).
Agreement No. 101135240 JOGATE).
Library API
.. tableofcontents::
project = 'usadelndsoc'
copyright = '2024, Pauli Virtanen'
author = 'Pauli Virtanen'
release = '0.1'
import os, sys
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon']
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
project = "usadelndsoc"
copyright = "2024, Pauli Virtanen"
author = "Pauli Virtanen"
release = "0.1"
html_theme = 'nature'
extensions = ["sphinx.ext.autodoc", "sphinx.ext.napoleon"]
exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store"]
html_theme = "nature"
autodoc_member_order = "groupwise"
autodoc_default_options = {
'special-members': '__init__, __call__'
autodoc_default_options = {"special-members": "__init__, __call__"}
# Setup module loader for autodoc when building docs from meson
loader_modules = [("usadelndsoc", os.environ.get("SPHINX_MESON_SOURCE_DIR"))]
loader_ext = {"usadelndsoc._core": os.environ.get("SPHINX_MESON_EXT_PATH")}
if loader_modules[0][1] is not None:
import, importlib.machinery
class MetaFinder(
def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None):
for k, v in loader_modules:
if fullname == k or fullname.startswith(k + "."):
if v:
source_dir = v
return None
if loader_ext.get(fullname):
loader = importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader
origin = loader_ext[fullname]
is_package = False
loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader
origin = os.path.join(source_dir, *fullname.split(".")[1:])
is_package = os.path.isdir(origin)
origin += "/" if is_package else ".py"
if not os.path.exists(origin):
return None
f"IMPORT: load {fullname} from {origin} with {loader}", file=sys.stderr
loader = loader(fullname, origin)
spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec(
fullname, loader, is_package=is_package, origin=origin
if is_package:
spec.submodule_search_locations = [os.path.dirname(origin)]
spec.has_location = True
return spec
sys.meta_path.insert(0, MetaFinder)
import usadelndsoc, usadelndsoc.core
Usage example scripts from under `examples/` folder of the project:
Supercurrent diode effect in Rashba superconductor
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
Anomalous current in bulk
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
......@@ -6,13 +6,29 @@
Solver for Usadel equations in 2D with SOC gauge fields.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents:
P. Virtanen, "Numerical saddle point finding for diffusive superconductor actions", (2024).
This work was supported by European Union's HORIZON-RIA programme (Grant
Agreement No. 101135240 JOGATE).
Indices and tables
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ endif
doc_files = files(
......@@ -24,10 +25,12 @@ doc_html = custom_target('doc',
'@CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@', # source dir
'@OUTPUT@', # output dir
env: {'SPHINX_MESON_EXT_PATH': usadelndsoc_pymod.full_path(),
'SPHINX_MESON_SOURCE_DIR': meson.project_source_root() / 'src' / 'usadelndsoc'},
depend_files: [doc_files, usadelndsoc_sources],
depends: [usadelndsoc_pymod],
output: 'html',
build_by_default: true,
install: true,
install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'doc' / 'usadelndsoc'
install_dir: py3.get_install_dir(subdir : 'usadelndsoc' / 'doc', pure: false)
......@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ def j_anom(T, h, n=5, alpha_soc=0.01, perturbative=False):
gm = (ww + 1j * h) / np.sqrt((ww + 1j * h) ** 2 + 1)
fp = 1 / np.sqrt((ww - 1j * h) ** 2 + 1)
fm = 1 / np.sqrt((ww + 1j * h) ** 2 + 1)
# XXX: check factors of 2
Jy_an = (gp - gm) * (1 + gp * gm + fp * fm) * (-1j * alpha_soc**3) * eta
Jantot += pi * aa * Jy_an
# -*- coding:utf-8; eval: (blacken-mode) -*-
Calculate anomalous current in bulk case
Calculate SNS junction supercurrent diode effect
import joblib
import numpy as np
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ def do(W_xi=12, multin=True):
return (abs(Jp) - abs(Jm)) / (abs(Jp) + abs(Jm))
ax = axs[1]
ax.plot(L / xi, 100 * eff(Jxs[0]))
ax.plot(L / xi, 100 * eff(Jxs[0]), "*-")
if multin:
ax.plot(L / xi, 100 * eff(Jxs[1]), "k:", alpha=0.25)
ax.plot(L / xi, 100 * eff(Jxs[2]), "k:")
# -*- coding:utf-8; eval: (blacken-mode) -*-
Calculate spin density in finite-size 2D Rashba superconductor case, generated by the inverse spin-galvanic effect.
import os
import joblib
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import expm
import logging
from numpy import exp, pi
import usadelndsoc
import usadelndsoc.bcs
from usadelndsoc.matsubara import get_matsubara_sum
from usadelndsoc.solver import *
from usadelndsoc.util import vectorize_parallel
from usadelndsoc.plotting import plot_Delta_J_2d
from rashba2 import Gamma_to_alpha
mem = joblib.Memory("cache")
def get_solver(soc_alpha, eta, Lx=10, Ly=10, nx=5, ny=5):
sol = Solver(nx=nx, ny=ny)
sol.mask[...] = MASK_NONE
sol.mask[0, :] = MASK_TERMINAL
sol.mask[-1, :] = MASK_TERMINAL
sol.Lx = Lx
sol.Ly = Ly
sol.Omega[...] = 0
sol.D = 1.0
sol.eta = eta
nx, ny = sol.shape
dx = sol.Lx / nx
dy = sol.Ly / ny
Ax = soc_alpha * np.kron(S_0, S_y)
Ay = -soc_alpha * np.kron(S_0, S_x)
sol.Ux[...] = expm(1j * dx * Ax)
sol.Uy[...] = expm(1j * dy * Ay)
return sol
@vectorize_parallel(returns_object=True, noarray=True)
def solve(T, phi, L_S=5, L=5, W=None, n=5, Gamma_DP=10, Gamma_ST=0.4, **solver_kw):
if W is None:
W = L
T_c0 = np.exp(np.euler_gamma) / np.pi
L = 2 * L_S + L
nx = n
ny = int(round(n * W / L))
nS = int(round(nx * L_S / L))
alpha_soc, eta = Gamma_to_alpha(Gamma_DP, Gamma_ST)
Delta0 = usadelndsoc.bcs.BCS_Delta(T, T_c0)
sol = get_solver(soc_alpha=alpha_soc, eta=eta, Lx=L, Ly=W, nx=nx, ny=ny)
T_c = np.zeros(sol.shape, dtype=float)
T_c[:nS] = T_c0
T_c[-nS:] = T_c0
sol.Delta[nS:-nS] = 0
sol.Delta[:nS] = np.eye(2) * Delta0 * np.exp(1j * phi / 2)
sol.Delta[-nS:] = np.eye(2) * Delta0 * np.exp(-1j * phi / 2)
solver_kw.setdefault("workers", max(1, os.cpu_count() // 2))
sol.self_consistency(T, T_c, **solver_kw)
# sol.matsubara_sums(T, 0, workers=max(1, os.cpu_count() // 2), **solver_kw)
return sol
class g_an:
Analytical solution for Q and spin density in infinite 2D strip of width L,
generated by inverse spin-galvanic effect due to charge supercurrent.
def __init__(self, Delta, alpha, A_x, L=2, eta=0.1):
self.Delta = Delta
self.alpha = alpha
self.L = L
self.eta = eta
self.A_x = A_x
def _coefs(self, omega):
Delta = self.Delta
alpha = self.alpha
L = self.L
eta = self.eta
Ax = self.A_x
E = np.sqrt(omega**2 + Delta**2)
kE = np.sqrt(2 * E)
kp = np.sqrt(
kE**2 - 2 * alpha**2 + 2j * alpha * np.sqrt(7 * alpha**2 + 4 * kE**2)
km = np.sqrt(
kE**2 - 2 * alpha**2 - 2j * alpha * np.sqrt(7 * alpha**2 + 4 * kE**2)
ap = -4 * alpha * kp / (kp**2 - 4 * alpha**2 - kE**2)
am = -4 * alpha * km / (km**2 - 4 * alpha**2 - kE**2)
Qby3 = -4j * eta * Ax * alpha**3 * Delta**2 / (2 * alpha**2 + E) / E**2
Qby1 = -Qby3 * omega / Delta
# [Qz, Qy]
cu = np.array(
[kp - 2 * alpha * ap, km - 2 * alpha * am],
[kp * ap + 2 * alpha, km * am + 2 * alpha],
cd = np.array(
[-kp + 2 * alpha * ap, -km + 2 * alpha * am],
[kp * ap + 2 * alpha, km * am + 2 * alpha],
f0 = Delta / E
JHyz2 = -16 * Ax * alpha**2 * f0
JHyzrhs = -eta / 4 * JHyz2
QJyz1 = -1j * JHyzrhs * omega / E
QJyz3 = +1j * JHyzrhs * Delta / E
v1 = np.array([-2j * alpha * 1j * Qby1 + QJyz1, 0 * E])
v3 = np.array([-2j * alpha * 1j * Qby3 + QJyz3, 0 * E])
v2 = np.array([0 * E, 0 * E])
v = np.array([v1, v2, v3])
cu = np.moveaxis(cu, [0, 1], [-2, -1])
cd = np.moveaxis(cd, [0, 1], [-2, -1])
v = np.moveaxis(v, 1, -1)
bu = np.linalg.solve(cu, v[..., None])[..., 0]
bd = np.linalg.solve(cd, v[..., None])[..., 0]
bu = np.moveaxis(bu, -1, 1)
bd = np.moveaxis(bd, -1, 1)
k = np.array([kp, km])
a = np.array([ap, am])
g03 = omega / E
g01 = Delta / E
Qby = np.array([Qby1, 0 * Qby1, Qby3])
return g03, g01, k, a, bu, bd, Qby
def _Q(self, x, omega):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
g03, g01, k, a, bu, bd, Qby = self._coefs(omega)
vd = bd * np.exp(-k * (x + self.L / 2))
vu = bu * np.exp(k * (x - self.L / 2))
dQz = vd.sum(axis=1) + vu.sum(axis=1)
dQy = (vd * (-a)).sum(axis=1) + (vu * a).sum(axis=1)
return dQy, dQz
def _Dg(self, x, omega, bulk=False):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
g03, g01, k, a, bu, bd, Qby = self._coefs(omega)
sl = (Ellipsis, None, None)
t1y = np.kron(S_x, S_y)
t2y = np.kron(S_y, S_y)
t3y = np.kron(S_z, S_y)
t1z = np.kron(S_x, S_z)
t2z = np.kron(S_y, S_z)
t3z = np.kron(S_z, S_z)
dQy, dQz = self._Q(x, omega)
if bulk:
dQy *= 0
dQz *= 0
Q = (
+(Qby[0] + dQy[0])[sl] * t1y
+ (Qby[1] + dQy[1])[sl] * t2y
+ (Qby[2] + dQy[2])[sl] * t3y
+ (0 + dQz[0])[sl] * t1z
+ (0 + dQz[1])[sl] * t2z
+ (0 + dQz[2])[sl] * t3z
return Q
def g0(self, omega):
g03, g01, k, a, bu, bd, Qby = self._coefs(omega)
sl = (Ellipsis, None, None)
t1 = np.kron(S_x, S_0)
t3 = np.kron(S_z, S_0)
return t3 * g03[sl] + t1 * g01[sl]
def g(self, x, omega, bulk=False):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
return self.g0(omega) + self._Dg(x, omega, bulk=bulk)
def S(self, x, T, bulk=False):
x = np.asarray(x)
E_0 = 50 * abs(self.Delta)
omega, a = get_matsubara_sum(T, E_0)
x = np.asarray(x)[..., None]
g = a[..., :, None, None] * self.g(x, omega, bulk=bulk)
s = 0.5j * np.pi * g.sum(axis=-3)
sx = tr(s @ np.kron(S_z, S_x)).real
sy = tr(s @ np.kron(S_z, S_y)).real
sz = tr(s @ np.kron(S_z, S_z)).real
return 0.5 * np.moveaxis(np.array([sx, sy, sz]), 0, -1)
def plot_fig6(save=False):
Plot paper Fig. 6 for the inverse spin-galvanic effect.
import usadelndsoc.bcs
from matplotlib import colors
Gamma_ST = 0.4
alpha, eta = Gamma_to_alpha(Gamma_DP=10, Gamma_ST=Gamma_ST)
xi = 1
T_c0 = np.exp(np.euler_gamma) / np.pi
Delta01 = usadelndsoc.bcs.BCS_Delta(T=0.1, Tc=T_c0)
Delta03 = usadelndsoc.bcs.BCS_Delta(T=0.3, Tc=T_c0)
Delta04 = usadelndsoc.bcs.BCS_Delta(T=0.4, Tc=T_c0)
sol01 = solve(T=0.1, phi=0.05, n=90, L_S=2, L=0, W=5, workers=5, mem=mem).item()
sol03 = solve(T=0.3, phi=0.05, n=90, L_S=2, L=0, W=5, workers=5, mem=mem).item()
sol04 = solve(T=0.4, phi=0.05, n=90, L_S=2, L=0, W=5, workers=5, mem=mem).item()
sol = sol01
A_x = 0.05 / sol.Lx
g01 = g_an(Delta=Delta01, alpha=alpha, A_x=A_x, L=sol.Ly, eta=eta)
g03 = g_an(Delta=Delta03, alpha=alpha, A_x=A_x, L=sol.Ly, eta=eta)
g04 = g_an(Delta=Delta04, alpha=alpha, A_x=A_x, L=sol.Ly, eta=eta)
vs = [(0.1, sol01, g01), (0.3, sol03, g03), (0.4, sol04, g04)]
y = np.linspace(-sol01.Ly / 2, sol01.Ly / 2, 303)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(1.2 * 86 / 25.4, 86 / 25.4 * 0.6)
ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
S0 = xi * A_x * Gamma_ST
for j, (T, sol, g) in enumerate(vs):
plt.plot(y / xi, sol.result.S_tot_s(0, y).real[:, 1] / S0, "-", label=str(T))
plt.plot(y / xi, g.S(y, T=T).real[:, 1] / S0, "k:", label="__nolabel__")
plt.ylabel(r"$S_y / (\nu \Gamma_{st} A_x \xi_0)$")
ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
offs = [-0.05, 0, 0.05]
for j, (T, sol, g) in enumerate(vs):
y / xi,
sol.result.S_tot_s(0, y).real[:, 2] / S0 + offs[j],
y / xi, g.S(y, T=T).real[:, 2] / S0 + offs[j], "k:", label="__nolabel__"
plt.ylabel(r"$S_z / (\nu \Gamma_{st} A_x \xi_0)$")
loc="lower left",
title=r"$T / \Delta_0$",
if save:
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
# -*- coding:utf-8; eval: (blacken-mode) -*-
Calculate spin density and anomalous current in finite-size 2D Rashba superconductor case under exchange field.
import os
import joblib
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import expm
import logging
from numpy import exp, pi
import usadelndsoc
from usadelndsoc.matsubara import get_matsubara_sum
from usadelndsoc.solver import *
from usadelndsoc.util import vectorize_parallel
from usadelndsoc.plotting import plot_Delta_J_2d
mem = joblib.Memory("cache")
def get_solver(soc_alpha, eta, Lx=10, Ly=10, h=0.5, D=1.0, nx=5, ny=5):
sol = Solver(nx=nx, ny=ny)
sol.mask[...] = MASK_NONE
sol.Lx = Lx
sol.Ly = Ly
sol.Omega[...] = 0
sol.Delta[:, :] = np.eye(2)
sol.D = D
sol.eta = eta
nx, ny = sol.shape
dx = sol.Lx / nx
dy = sol.Ly / ny
Ax = soc_alpha * np.kron(S_0, S_y)
Ay = -soc_alpha * np.kron(S_0, S_x)
sol.Ux[...] = expm(1j * dx * Ax)
sol.Uy[...] = expm(1j * dy * Ay)
sol.Omega[...] += h * np.kron(S_z, S_x)
return sol
def Gamma_to_alpha(Gamma_DP, Gamma_ST):
Transform from (Gamma_DP, Gamma_ST) to (alpha_soc, eta).
.. math::
\Gamma_{DP} &= 2 \alpha^2 p_F^2 \tau \\
\Gamma_{ST} &= \Gamma_{DP} \frac{\alpha\tau}{\xi_0}
and :math:`\xi_0^2 = D/\Delta_0`.
The length unit is :math:`L_0 = \sqrt{D/E_0}` where
:math:`E_0` is the energy unit.
alpha_soc = (Gamma_DP / 4) ** 0.5
eta = Gamma_ST / (4 * alpha_soc**3)
return alpha_soc, eta
@vectorize_parallel(returns_object=True, noarray=True)
def j_anom(T, h, L=5, W=None, n=5, Gamma_DP=10, Gamma_ST=0.4, **solver_kw):
if W is None:
W = L
T_c0 = 0.556
nx = n
ny = int(round(n * W / L))
alpha_soc, eta = Gamma_to_alpha(Gamma_DP, Gamma_ST)
sol = get_solver(soc_alpha=alpha_soc, eta=eta, h=h, D=1.0, Lx=L, Ly=W, nx=nx, ny=ny)
sol.self_consistency(T, T_c0, workers=max(1, os.cpu_count() // 2), **solver_kw)
return sol
class g_an:
Analytical solution for Q and spin density in infinite 2D strip of length L,
generated by exchange field.
def __init__(self, Delta, alpha, hx, hy, hz, L=2, eta=0.1):
self.Delta = Delta
self.h = (hx, hy, hz)
self.alpha = alpha
self.L = L
self.eta = eta
def _coefs(self, omega):
Delta = self.Delta
hx, hy, hz = self.h
alpha = self.alpha
L = self.L
E = np.sqrt(omega**2 + Delta**2)
kE = np.sqrt(2 * E)
kp = np.sqrt(
kE**2 - 2 * alpha**2 + 2j * alpha * np.sqrt(7 * alpha**2 + 4 * kE**2)
km = np.sqrt(
kE**2 - 2 * alpha**2 - 2j * alpha * np.sqrt(7 * alpha**2 + 4 * kE**2)
ap = -4 * alpha * kp / (kp**2 - 4 * alpha**2 - kE**2)
am = -4 * alpha * km / (km**2 - 4 * alpha**2 - kE**2)
Qbz = -hz / (2 * E + 8 * alpha**2)
Qbx = -hx / (2 * E + 4 * alpha**2)
Qby = -hy / (2 * E + 4 * alpha**2)
cr = np.array(
[kp - 2 * alpha * ap, km - 2 * alpha * am],
[kp * ap + 2 * alpha, km * am + 2 * alpha],
cl = np.array(
[-kp + 2 * alpha * ap, -km + 2 * alpha * am],
[kp * ap + 2 * alpha, km * am + 2 * alpha],
v = np.array([2 * alpha * Qbx, -2 * alpha * Qbz])
cl = np.moveaxis(cl, [0, 1], [-2, -1])
cr = np.moveaxis(cr, [0, 1], [-2, -1])
v = np.moveaxis(v, 0, -1)
bl = np.linalg.solve(cl, v)
br = np.linalg.solve(cr, v)
bl = np.moveaxis(bl, -1, 0)
br = np.moveaxis(br, -1, 0)
k = np.array([kp, km])
a = np.array([ap, am])
g03 = omega / E
g01 = Delta / E
return g03, g01, k, a, bl, br, Qbx, Qby, Qbz
def _Q(self, x, omega):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
g03, g01, k, a, bl, br, Qbx, Qby, Qbz = self._coefs(omega)
vl = bl * np.exp(-k * (x + self.L / 2))
vr = br * np.exp(k * (x - self.L / 2))
dQz = vl.sum(axis=0) + vr.sum(axis=0)
dQx = (vl * (-a)).sum(axis=0) + (vr * a).sum(axis=0)
return dQx, dQz
def _dQ(self, x, omega):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
g03, g01, k, a, bl, br, Qbx, Qby, Qbz = self._coefs(omega)
vl = bl * np.exp(-k * (x + self.L / 2)) * (-k)
vr = br * np.exp(k * (x - self.L / 2)) * k
dQz = vl.sum(axis=0) + vr.sum(axis=0)
dQx = (vl * (-a)).sum(axis=0) + (vr * a).sum(axis=0)
return dQx, dQz
def g0(self, omega):
g03, g01, k, a, bl, br, Qbx, Qby, Qbz = self._coefs(omega)
sl = (Ellipsis, None, None)
t3 = np.kron(S_z, S_0)
t2 = np.kron(S_y, S_0)
return t3 * g03[sl] + t2 * g01[sl]
def _Dg(self, x, omega, der=False):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
g03, g01, k, a, bl, br, Qbx, Qby, Qbz = self._coefs(omega)
sl = (Ellipsis, None, None)
t3 = np.kron(S_z, S_0)
g0 = self.g0(omega)
if not der:
dQx, dQz = self._Q(x, omega)
f = 1
dQx, dQz = self._dQ(x, omega)
f = 0
Q = (
(Qbx * f + dQx)[sl] * np.kron(S_0, S_x)
+ (Qby * f + 0)[sl] * np.kron(S_0, S_y)
+ (Qbz * f + dQz)[sl] * np.kron(S_0, S_z)
return 1j * g0 @ (t3 @ g0 - g0 @ t3) @ Q
def g(self, x, omega, bulk=False):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
if bulk:
return self.g0(omega)
return self.g0(omega) + self._Dg(x, omega)
def dg(self, x, omega):
x, omega = np.broadcast_arrays(x, omega)
return self._Dg(x, omega, der=True)
def S(self, x, T, der=False, bulk=False):
x = np.asarray(x)
E_0 = 10 * max(np.linalg.norm(self.h), abs(self.Delta))
omega, a = get_matsubara_sum(T, E_0)
x = np.asarray(x)[..., None]
if not der:
g = a[..., :, None, None] * self.g(x, omega, bulk=bulk)
g = a[..., :, None, None] * self.dg(x, omega, bulk=bulk)
s = -1j * np.pi * g.sum(axis=-3)
sx = tr(s @ np.kron(S_z, S_x)).real
sy = tr(s @ np.kron(S_z, S_y)).real
sz = tr(s @ np.kron(S_z, S_z)).real
return 0.5 * np.moveaxis(np.array([sx, sy, sz]), 0, -1)
def dS(self, x, T):
return self.S(x, T, der=True)
def jy_an_t(self, x, T):
S = self.S(x, T)
dS = self.dS(x, T)
jy = self.dS[..., 2] - 2 * self.alpha * S[..., 0]
return jy * 2 * self.alpha**2 * self.eta
def solve(n, **kw):
Solve for spin-galvanic effect
h = 0.1
T = 0.2
sol = j_anom(T, h, n=n, mem=mem, **kw).item()
nx, ny = sol.shape
res = sol.result
dx = sol.x[1] - sol.x[0]
dy = sol.y[1] - sol.y[0]
x = np.linspace(sol.x[0] - dx / 2, sol.x[-1] + dx / 2, 8 * nx)
y = np.linspace(sol.y[0] - dy / 2, sol.y[-1] + dy / 2, 8 * ny)
I = res.J_tot_c(x[:, None], y[None, :], method="bilinear").real
S = res.S_tot_s(x[:, None], y[None, :]).real
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(8, 6)
plot_Delta_J_2d(sol.x, sol.y, res.Delta.A[:, :, 0, 0], x, y, I[..., 0], I[..., 1])
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, S[..., 0].T, rasterized=True)
return sol
def plot_osc(
sol, save=False, T=0.2, Gamma_DP=10, Gamma_ST=1, h=0.1, vert=True, Slog=True
import usadelndsoc.bcs
from matplotlib import colors
x = np.linspace(-sol.Lx / 2, sol.Lx / 2, 307)[1:-1]
y = np.linspace(-sol.Ly / 2, sol.Ly / 2, 303)
res = sol.result
j = res.J_tot_c(x[:, None], y[None, :]).real
s = res.S_tot_s(x[:, None], y[None, :]).real
ja = np.hypot(j[..., 0].real, j[..., 1].real)
s0 = res.S_tot_s(x[:, None], [0]).real
s00 = res.S_tot_s([0], [0]).real[0, 0]
xi = 1
jamin = 10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(np.quantile(ja.ravel() / ja.max(), 0.05))))
T_c0 = 0.556
Delta = usadelndsoc.bcs.BCS_Delta(T, T_c0, h)
alpha, eta = Gamma_to_alpha(Gamma_DP, Gamma_ST)
g = g_an(Delta=Delta, alpha=alpha, hx=-h, hy=0, hz=0, L=sol.Lx, eta=eta)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(1.2 * 86 / 25.4, 86 / 25.4 * 0.6)
if vert:
ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
plt.tick_params(axis="both", labelbottom=False)
ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
x / xi,
y / xi,
j[..., 0].T,
j[..., 1].T,
color=ja.T / ja.max(),
norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=jamin, vmax=1),
L = sol.Lx / xi
W = sol.Ly / xi
plt.plot([-L / 2, L / 2], [W / 2, W / 2], c="b", ls=":", lw=1)
plt.plot([-L / 2, L / 2], [-W / 2, -W / 2], c="b", ls=":", lw=1)
plt.plot([-L / 2, -L / 2], [-W / 2, W / 2], c="b", ls=":", lw=1)
plt.plot([L / 2, L / 2], [-W / 2, W / 2], c="b", ls=":", lw=1)
cb = plt.colorbar()
plt.gca().set_title(r"$j/j_{\rm max}$")
if not vert:
if vert:
ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
plt.axvline(-L / 2, ls=":", c="b")
plt.axvline(+L / 2, ls=":", c="b")
s2 = g.S(x, T=T)
s20 = g.S(0, T=T)[..., 0]
s22 = g.S(0, T=T)[..., 2]
if Slog:
plt.semilogy(x / xi, abs(s0[:, 0, 0] / s00 - 1), "-")
plt.semilogy(x / xi, abs(s2[:, 0] / s20 - 1), "k:")
plt.ylabel(r"$|S_x(x,0)-S_{x,\rm bulk}|/S_{x,\rm bulk}$")
plt.ylim(1e-5, 1)
plt.plot(x / xi, (s0[:, 0, 0] / s00 - 1), "-", label="$S_x$")
plt.plot(x / xi, (s2[:, 0] / s20 - 1), "k:", label="__nolabel__")
plt.plot(x / xi, (s0[:, 0, 2] / s00), "-", label="$S_z$")
plt.plot(x / xi, (s2[:, 2] / s00), "k:", label="__nolabel__")
plt.ylabel(r"$[S_i(x,0)-S_{i,\rm bulk}]/S_{x,\rm bulk}$")
plt.xlim(1.05 * x[0] / xi, 1.05 * x[-1] / xi)
kE = np.sqrt(2j * pi * T)
kp = np.sqrt(kE**2 - 2 * alpha**2 + 2j * alpha * np.sqrt(7 * alpha**2 + 4 * kE**2))
km = np.sqrt(kE**2 - 2 * alpha**2 - 2j * alpha * np.sqrt(7 * alpha**2 + 4 * kE**2))
print(2 * pi / (xi * kp), 2 * pi / (xi * km))
if save:
def plot_fig2(save=False):
Plot paper Fig. 3 for the spin-galvanic effect in a square
sol = solve(n=60, tol=1e-8)
plot_osc(sol, vert=False, Slog=False)
if save:
return sol
def plot_fig5(save=False):
Plot paper Fig. 5 for the spin-galvanic effect in long strip
sol = solve(n=220, L=10, W=1, tol=1e-8)
if save:
return sol
def plot_fig4(sol=None, scl=9, save=False):
import pyvista as pv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
if sol is None:
sol = solve(n=60, tol=1e-8)
x = np.linspace(sol.x[0], sol.x[-1], 10)
y = np.linspace(sol.y[0], sol.y[-1], 10)
z = np.array([0])
X, Y, Z = np.broadcast_arrays(x[:, None], y[None, :], z)
xi = 1
S = sol.result.S_tot_s(x[:, None], y[None, :])
U = scl * S[:, :, 0].real
V = scl * S[:, :, 1].real
W = scl * S[:, :, 2].real
R = np.column_stack((U.T.ravel(), V.T.ravel(), W.T.ravel()))
grid = pv.RectilinearGrid(x / xi, y / xi, z / xi)
grid["magnitude"] = np.linalg.norm(R, axis=1)
grid["vectors"] = R
bgrid = pv.RectilinearGrid(x / xi, y / xi, z / xi)
arrows = grid.glyph(orient="vectors", factor=1.6)
figscale = 6 if save else 1
p = pv.Plotter(
notebook=0, window_size=(500 * figscale, 300 * figscale), off_screen=save
p.add_mesh(bgrid, opacity=0.25, color="gray", show_edges=False)
bounds = [
-sol.Lx / 2 / xi,
sol.Lx / 2 / xi,
-sol.Ly / 2 / xi,
sol.Ly / 2 / xi,
font_size=9 * figscale,
if save:
img = np.array(
alpha = img.view("u1,u1,u1")[:, :, 0] == np.array((255, 255, 255), "u1,u1,u1")
alpha = np.uint8(255) - np.uint8(255) * alpha
img = np.concatenate((img, alpha[:, :, None]), axis=-1)
img = Image.fromarray(img)
img = img.crop(img.getbbox())
if save == True:
filename = "../figs/sfield.png"
filename = save
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ if cpp_extra_args != []
add_global_arguments(cpp_extra_args, language: 'cpp')
......@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
build-backend = 'mesonpy'
requires = [
'numpy < 2',
......@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ classifiers = [
requires-python = '>=3.7'
dependencies = [
'scipy >= 1.0.0',
'numpy >= 1.19.0',
'numpy >= 1.19.0, < 2',
......@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ filterwarnings = [
'ignore:the imp module is deprecated:DeprecationWarning',
'ignore:.*Broyden reset',
addopts = ['--doctest-modules', '--log-level=ERROR']
testpaths = ['usadelndsoc', 'tests']
......@@ -61,5 +61,14 @@ class with_log_level(contextlib.ContextDecorator):
return False
def docs():
"""Open documentation in web browser"""
import webbrowser
import importlib.resources
p = importlib.resources.files("usadelndsoc") / "doc" / "html" / "index.html"
webbrowser.open_new("file://" + str(p.absolute()))
del _init_logging, logging, contextlib
File moved
File moved
File moved
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ usadelndsoc_sources = files(
usadelndsoc_pymod = py3.extension_module(
usadelndsoc_pymod = py3.extension_module(
dependencies : deps + [numpy_dep, py3_dep, pybind11_dep],
install : true,
subdir : 'usadelndsoc',
......@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ usadelndsoc_pymod = py3.extension_module(
pure : false,
subdir : 'usadelndsoc',
pure : false,
File moved
......@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ class Solver:
Set system spatial size in cells.
self._core.set_shape(nx, ny)
self._Phi = np.zeros((nx, ny, 2, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex_)
self._J_tot = np.zeros((nx, ny, 4, 4, 4), dtype=np.complex_)
self._S_tot = np.zeros((nx, ny, 4, 4), dtype=np.complex_)
self._Phi = np.zeros((nx, ny, 2, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
self._J_tot = np.zeros((nx, ny, 4, 4, 4), dtype=np.complex128)
self._S_tot = np.zeros((nx, ny, 4, 4), dtype=np.complex128)
self._ac_tot = np.array(0)
shape = _core_property("shape")
......@@ -643,10 +643,10 @@ class Solver:
return True
def _eval_rhs(self, Phi):
return self._core.grad(Phi).ravel().view(np.float_)
return self._core.grad(Phi).ravel().view(np.float64)
def _eval_jac_mul(self, Phi, dPhi):
return self._core.hess_mul(Phi, dPhi).ravel().view(np.float_)
return self._core.hess_mul(Phi, dPhi).ravel().view(np.float64)
def _eval_jac(self, Phi):
if not self._core.hess_computed:
......@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ class Solver:
d2 = np.r_[,,,]
return coo_matrix(
(d2, (i2, j2)),
shape=(H.shape[0] * 2, H.shape[1] * 2),
......@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ def _self_consistency(
constraint_x = np.array([])
A_shape = (z.size, z.size)
A_dtype = np.float_
A_dtype = np.float64
outer_v = []
count = 0
......@@ -2194,7 +2194,7 @@ def _interp_flow_1d(y):
y = np.asarray(y)
n = y.shape[0]
shape = y.shape[1:]
dtype = np.result_type(y.dtype, np.float_)
dtype = np.result_type(y.dtype, np.float64)
# variables: [x[0], ..., x[2*n], eta[0], ... eta[n-1]]