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  • daniel_HabitatHectares
  • daniel_MScTuuli
  • maria_FBE
  • master default protected
  • maya_avohakut
  • streamLine_inputOutput
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.018Feb11731Jan3022Aug16151430Jun2818May28Feb20Dec10130Nov221714Oct27Sep13108131Aug259Jun17May29Apr27266130Mar819Jan141324Nov23171120Sep181711119Aug11530Jul253230Jun27161510927May2621191813121175430Apr292017161514131198730Mar28271127Feb2119129Jan29Dec28161312119update left_join() according to dplyr current syntaxisdaniel_HabitatH…daniel_HabitatHectares daniel_MScTuuliexport subset of data for testing. Sort rslt table before exportingfix path to regimes.csvAdding new variables for Deadwood summariescreate subset file for testing. Remove variables that are of no interest or not in the exported SIMO outputs (moose, recreation, N_where_D_gt_30)change path and file names and settingsadd multi layerness and developement classadd unevenness variables to SA rslt functionmultilayernessUnevenness seems okadding some gini and age rangesrunning version with simple age evenness parameter w/ 40yr time windowrunning version with even age parameters.first try to add uneven age variablestesting filetxt -> csvmaria_FBEmaria_FBEFBE10 to FBE7 regimesUpload New Filereplace regime parameter filedelet scriptsinclude the scripts query scripts from master branchrunning sript for functioninclude latest query scripts from master branchupdate and first push from wsl compimastermasterinclude NPV in dataif statement checks/deletes existing filesupdate data export for safeOperating boundarymove to oldoutput exclecreate_table_UNIT function fixed. Coma was missingadd CARBON_STORAGE_UpdateUpdate structure_SIMO_rslDB_SA_function1.R -- updating peat issueUpdate structure_SIMO_rslDB_FBE_function1.R -- updating peat issue - line 126update data preparation for opt (B regimes)update data export DB for optimizationdebug carbon storage error, export from DBsupdate carbon_storage indicatroadd h-dom, d-gmadditional data, age_vol age_baBioESSHealth, extract new variables from DB for health indicators