Input is the extracted SIMO database information, run script Main.R and define the necessary columns to extract (here: ...MutliForest/ColumnsMF.R). </br> </br>
Column "name" indicates simulated region OR stand frequence and special simulation runs: </br>
- set aside without deadwood extraction "_SA" </br>
- inital stand condition "_initial" </br>
- regimes for promoting broadleaves "_BL" </br>
- regimes with fertilization "_FERT" </br>
Examples: </br>
- "RCP0_p_1-150" - no climate change (RCP0 or else) for stand 1-150 (alternative region names) </br>
- "RCP0_p_SA_1-150" - set aside without deadwood extraction (no other regimes) </br>
- "RCP0_p_initial_1-150" - set aside for only 1 year time-step </br>
- "RCP0_p_FERT_1-150" - intensive management regimes with fertilization </br>
- "RCP0_p_BL_1-150" - extensive management regimes with promoting broadleaves </br>
# number of stands with year 2016 -> should be same as number of importat stands
length(unique(rslt[rslt$year %in% 2016,]$id))
# maximum year
# maximum year before
# maximim year after
@@ -244,9 +264,9 @@ rslt <- rslt %>%
### Add XY-coordinates, region (provinces)
### Add XY-coordinates and region (provinces)
Merge the XY-coordinates of NFI plots also adds the stand-replicates - NFI plots falling into the same forest stand of Metsää and which where simulated only once!!! </br>
Merging the XY-coordinates of NFI plots also adds the stand-replicates - NFI plots falling into the same forest stand of Metsää that were simulated only once!!! </br>
Inclued "NEW UNIQUE ID" since the stand id can now be represented multiple times, important for optimization.
Check: according to SIMO input preparation, the lenght of all NFI plots should be: 39448 </br>
```{r, echo = TRUE }
# Merge the province and XY coordinates by stand id
# Merge the province and XY coordinates by stand id !!
rslt <- rslt %>%
left_join(NFIxy, by = "id" )
@@ -323,7 +343,7 @@ rslt <- rslt %>%
Add columns indicating the protection status of each selected forest stand from Metsää </br>
Protection categories follwo the finnish (column: Luokka, TyyppiLyhe) and IUCN classification (see word and excel for definition /MultiForest/NFI_protection_status/...):</br>
Protection categories follow the finnish (column: Luokka, TyyppiLyhe) and IUCN classification (see word & excel for definition /MultiForest/NFI_protection_status/...):</br>
kable(areabyregion, caption = "Region of FIN, # of NFI plots in Forest, total forest area (ha), represented are of each plot (ha-1)") %>% kable_styling()
```{r , echo=TRUE}
# Merge the represented are by region.
rslt <- rslt %>%
# TODO !!!
# MERGE area by province OR region
# FIRST calculate the representative area by NFI plot in different regions: whole forest ares / number of plots
# Total Forest area -> Finish forst statistic
mutate(represented_area_by_NFIplot = 338) # %>%
merge(areabyregion[,c("region", "represented_area_by_NFIplot")], by = "region")
### Order Columns
- Start with Stand ID, year and management regime. They are "indexing" the data for the optimisation.</br>
- List the indicators</br>
### Create final data set (order columns ..)
ATTENTION !!!: "unique_id" becomes "id" and "id" becomes "standID" since id of stand is not unique anymore due to including replicates (stand with multiple NFI plots in it) </br>
The new id starts with: 990.... </br>
Data has kind of three sections: </br>
- Start with id, year and management regime. They are "indexing" the data for the optimisation.</br>
- different columns with the indicators</br>
- End with represented area of the NFI-plot, regionm, NUTS2-region, coordinates, ... </br>