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new MF simo outcome prepare script

parent becc9910
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......@@ -10,6 +10,29 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
This script prepares the simulated output of SIMO for the national scenario optimization: Jupyter notebook FinOpt. </br> </br>
Input is the extracted SIMO database information, run script Main.R and define the necessary columns to extract (here: ...MutliForest/ColumnsMF.R). </br> </br>
Column "name" indicates simulated region OR stand frequence and special simulation runs: </br>
- set aside without deadwood extraction "_SA" </br>
- inital stand condition "_initial" </br>
- regimes for promoting broadleaves "_BL" </br>
- regimes with fertilization "_FERT" </br>
Examples: </br>
- "RCP0_p_1-150" - no climate change (RCP0 or else) for stand 1-150 (alternative region names) </br>
- "RCP0_p_SA_1-150" - set aside without deadwood extraction (no other regimes) </br>
- "RCP0_p_initial_1-150" - set aside for only 1 year time-step </br>
- "RCP0_p_FERT_1-150" - intensive management regimes with fertilization </br>
- "RCP0_p_BL_1-150" - extensive management regimes with promoting broadleaves </br>
```{r , include= FALSE, }
# set path
......@@ -21,7 +44,7 @@ path_project <- paste0(path, "MultiForest/")
# Define name of generated CSV file
outp_name <- "rslt_RCP0_Keski_Suomi_V6_150"
outp_name <- "rslt_RCP0_Keski_Suomi_V6"
# Libraries
......@@ -34,16 +57,12 @@ library(kableExtra)
This script prepares the simulated output of SIMO for the national scenario optimization: Jupyter notebook FinnOPt. </br>
### Load and modify data
```{r , echo=TRUE}
rslt.all <- read.csv(paste0(path_project, "rslt_all_RCP0_V6_150.csv" ), sep = ";", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rslt.all <- read.csv(paste0(path_project, "rslt_all_RCP0_V6.csv" ), sep = ";", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# rslt.all <- rslt.all[rslt.all$id == c(10012874), ]
......@@ -77,8 +96,9 @@ rslt <- rslt %>%
# number of stands with year 2016 -> should be same as number of importat stands
length(unique(rslt[rslt$year %in% 2016,]$id))
# maximum year
# maximum year before
# maximim year after
......@@ -244,9 +264,9 @@ rslt <- rslt %>%
### Add XY-coordinates, region (provinces)
### Add XY-coordinates and region (provinces)
Merge the XY-coordinates of NFI plots also adds the stand-replicates - NFI plots falling into the same forest stand of Metsää and which where simulated only once!!! </br>
Merging the XY-coordinates of NFI plots also adds the stand-replicates - NFI plots falling into the same forest stand of Metsää that were simulated only once!!! </br>
Inclued "NEW UNIQUE ID" since the stand id can now be represented multiple times, important for optimization.
......@@ -275,7 +295,7 @@ NFIxy <- NFIxy.t
rm(df, NFIxy.t)
# create a unique id
NFIxy <- NFIxy %>% mutate(unique_id = 900000 + 1:nrow(NFIxy))
NFIxy <- NFIxy %>% mutate(unique_id = 99000000 + 1:nrow(NFIxy))
......@@ -284,7 +304,7 @@ length(unique(NFIxy$unique_id))
Check: according to SIMO input preparation, the lenght of all NFI plots should be: 39448 </br>
```{r, echo = TRUE }
# Merge the province and XY coordinates by stand id
# Merge the province and XY coordinates by stand id !!
rslt <- rslt %>%
left_join(NFIxy, by = "id" )
......@@ -323,7 +343,7 @@ rslt <- rslt %>%
Add columns indicating the protection status of each selected forest stand from Metsää </br>
Protection categories follwo the finnish (column: Luokka, TyyppiLyhe) and IUCN classification (see word and excel for definition /MultiForest/NFI_protection_status/...):</br>
Protection categories follow the finnish (column: Luokka, TyyppiLyhe) and IUCN classification (see word & excel for definition /MultiForest/NFI_protection_status/...):</br>
- commercial: all regimes are allowed </br>
- landscape: landscape level protection (Luokka - likely biodiversity, extensive management in commercial forests ???) </br>
- strict: statutory protection (TyyppiLyhe & IUCN: Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V - no categorie VI in data!) </br>
......@@ -355,12 +375,12 @@ for (i in NFIconserve.files) {
NFIconserve <- NFIconserve.t
rm(df, NFIconserve.t)
# catStrict <- NFIconserve[NFIconserve$protection %in% "strict",]
# catlandscape <- NFIconserve[NFIconserve$protection %in% "landscape",]
# catcommercial <- NFIconserve[NFIconserve$protection %in% "commercial",]
According to SImo input data, the length of all selected "forest stands" from Metsää should be: 38526 </br>
......@@ -380,14 +400,10 @@ rslt <- rslt %>% merge(NFIconserve[,c("standid", "protection")], by.x = "id", b
# <- rslt %>% merge(NFIconserve[,c("standid", "protection")], by.x = "id", by.y = "standid")
# strict <-[$protection %in% "strict",]
# length(unique(strict$unique_id))
# strict <- strict %>% filter(regime %in% c("initial_state" , "SA"))
# length(unique(strict$unique_id))
# unique(strict$regime)
......@@ -395,8 +411,7 @@ rslt <- rslt %>% merge(NFIconserve[,c("standid", "protection")], by.x = "id", b
# commercial <-[$protection %in% c("commercial", "landscape"),]
# length(unique(commercial$unique_id))
# #
# #### bind
# test1 <- rbind(strict, commercial)
......@@ -416,31 +431,49 @@ Total forest area per region comes from: Finish Forest Statistics 2018, page 21.
# load data
forest_area <- read.csv(paste0(path_project,"provinceInfo/forest_land.csv"), sep = ";", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
areabyregion <- NFIxy %>%
# number of plots by region
group_by(region) %>%
summarise(nr_plots = n_distinct(unique_id)) %>%
# merge total forest area by region
merge(forest_area[,c("province_name", "forest_land")], by.x = "region", by.y = "province_name") %>%
# are by NFI plot
mutate(represented_area_by_NFIplot = round(forest_land / nr_plots))
kable(areabyregion, caption = "Region of FIN, # of NFI plots in Forest, total forest area (ha), represented are of each plot (ha-1)") %>% kable_styling()
```{r , echo=TRUE}
# Merge the represented are by region.
rslt <- rslt %>%
# TODO !!!
# MERGE area by province OR region
# FIRST calculate the representative area by NFI plot in different regions: whole forest ares / number of plots
# Total Forest area -> Finish forst statistic
mutate(represented_area_by_NFIplot = 338) # %>%
merge(areabyregion[,c("region", "represented_area_by_NFIplot")], by = "region")
### Order Columns
- Start with Stand ID, year and management regime. They are "indexing" the data for the optimisation.</br>
- List the indicators</br>
### Create final data set (order columns ..)
ATTENTION !!!: "unique_id" becomes "id" and "id" becomes "standID" since id of stand is not unique anymore due to including replicates (stand with multiple NFI plots in it) </br>
The new id starts with: 990.... </br>
Data has kind of three sections: </br>
- Start with id, year and management regime. They are "indexing" the data for the optimisation.</br>
- different columns with the indicators</br>
- End with represented area of the NFI-plot, regionm, NUTS2-region, coordinates, ... </br>
```{r, echo=TRUE} <- rslt %>%
mutate(standid = id,
id = unique_id) %>%
select(id, year, regime,
# wood
V, i_Vm3, Harvested_V, Harvested_V_log_under_bark, Harvested_V_pulp_under_bark, Harvested_V_under_bark, DEVEL_CLASS,
......@@ -459,10 +492,10 @@ <- rslt %>%
# Recreation
Recreation, Scenic,
# Additional
scenario, represented_area_by_NFIplot, region, NUTS2, X, Y, unique_id, protection)
scenario, represented_area_by_NFIplot, region, NUTS2, X, Y, standid, protection)
......@@ -471,7 +504,7 @@ length(unique($unique_id))
### Save as data set for the Optimization framework
For the Optimization / Jupyter Notebook the data can be further ZIP compressed.
For the Optimization (Jupyter Notebook) the data can be further ZIP compressed.
write.table(, paste0(path_project, outp_name,".csv" ),
"code_metsatilastot"; "province_name"; "forest_land"
1; "Helsinki-Uusimaa"; 518000
2; "Varsinais-Suomi"; 569000
4; "Satakunta"; 517000
5; "Kanta-Hme"; 347000
6; "Pirkanmaa"; 912000
7; "Pijt-Hme"; 359000
8; "Kymenlaakso"; 334000
9; "Etel-Karjala"; 402000
10; "Etel-Savo"; 1212000
11; "Pohjois-Savo"; 1325000
12; "Pohjois-Karjala"; 1486000
13; "Keski-Suomi"; 1369000
14; "Etel-Pohjanmaa"; 905000
15; "Pohjanmaa"; 508000
16; "Keski-Pohjanmaa"; 336000
17; "Pohjois-Pohjanmaa"; 2480000
18; "Kainuu"; 1630000
19; "Lappi"; 4998000
21; "Ahvenanmaa"; 69000
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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