## General
This project contains all data and code related to my master's thesis "Semileptonic decays of heavy-flavour hadrons". Please note that the simulation uses the PYTHIA 8.3 event generator and will not function without it. The specific version of PYTHIA used in this thesis was PYTHIA 8.307. Brief descriptions of the contents of each folder present here will follow.
This folder contains the datapoints obtained for B- and C-hadron decay from FONLL calculations. Please refer to the thesis for the precise settings that were used.
## Histograms
This folder contains external files needed for the definition of a custom type of histograms, "" and "Hist.h". These files are included here with the permission of their original author Ilkka Helenius. Please note that the file "" must be assembled and the resulting "Hist.o" must be added to the Makefile in order to get them working.
## Input
This folder contains the input data used in the performed simulations. These sets of data were obtained using the numerical implementation of the SACOT-mT scheme.
## Plot
This folder contains all python files used for plotting the figures that are present in the thesis.
## Results
This folder contains all results obtained from the performed simulations.
## Simulation code
This folder contains the simulation code "", its command file "mymain01.cmnd" and a header file used for class definition.