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Quasiclassical equations on an 1D network
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Codes used in Ojajärvi, Bergeret, Silaev, Heikkilä (2021) arXiv:2107.09959
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Actigraphy analysis tools developed by Timo Rantalainen tjrantal at gmail dot com. The aim is to enable e.g. federated analyses whereby all participating groups are able to analyse the accelerometry with the same implementation.
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Multigranular segmentation of time-series data and its musical sonification. START HERE: https://gitlab.jyu.fi/juigmend/multigranular-segmentation-and-musification#multigranular-segmentation-and-musification
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My version of the MoCap Toolbox version 1.5 for Matlab. START HERE: https://gitlab.jyu.fi/juigmend/mocaptoolbox_1_5_2#mocaptoolbox_1_5_2
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Miscellaneous Matlab code. It might also work in Octave. Includes descriptions. START HERE: https://gitlab.jyu.fi/juigmend/matlab-miscellaneous#matlab-miscellaneous
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Miscellaneous Octave code. It might also work in Matlab. Includes descriptions. START HERE: https://gitlab.jyu.fi/juigmend/octave-miscellaneous#octave-miscellaneous
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Matlab code, TSV MoCap data and a technical report. START HERE: https://gitlab.jyu.fi/juigmend/mocap-temporal-segmentation#mocap-temporal-segmentation
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Assorted and unorganized Matlab code. START HERE: https://gitlab.jyu.fi/juigmend/matlab-plethora/-/tree/main#matlab-plethora
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In the project, we show that the Higgs mode can linearly couple with the Ferromagnetic resonance in the spin split superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
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Fortran codes used in https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.06253 to calculate order parameter distribution, spectral functions, perturbations induced by m(t) in FI-N-S structure.