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Template and reference implementation for TJTS5901 Continuous Software Development
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LaTeX document class for MSc and BSc theses at the Department of Mathematical Information Technology
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Template and reference implementation for TJTS5901 Continuous Software Development assignment. Dating app based on dog walking routes.
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A simple chat app that demonstrates various reliable data transfer protocols. Uses a virtual socket that mimics an unreliable physical layer. Transfer protocol implementations are my own but borrow heavily from Kurose & Ross rdt 2.0–3.0.
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Template and reference implementation for TJTS5901 Continuous Software Development
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Python and other source code for the FYSS6302 (Electronics B) course
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A very simplified and absolutely unsafe chat app and server using the open source XMPP messaging protocol. The project was an excuse to familiarize myself with basic concepts of parallel programming. Only a very small part of XMPP is implemented.
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